How do I terminate an exclusive Right to Sell Agreement ?

It is possible within the framework of an exclusive mandate, within three months of its signature, to denounce the exclusive mandate. However, taking care to respect the notice period of 15 days, while sending a registered letter to the real estate agent who has been entrusted with the mission of selling your property.

1. What are the different types of sales mandate ?
  • Exclusive sales mandate: The agency solicited is the only one authorized to sell the property for the duration of the mandate.

  • Simple sales mandate: It is possible to use other agencies, but also to sell the property by your own means, from individual to individual.

  • Semi-exclusive sales mandate: The agency is the only one that can sell the property, but the owner is authorized to carry out a direct transaction by his own means.

  • Co-exclusive sales mandate: The sale of the property is reserved for a small number of agencies established when the sales mandate is signed.

2. What is the exclusive mandate?

The exclusive mandate represents a more important constraint, in return it generally allows a more efficient and faster sale compared to a sale under a simple mandate. Exclusive properties are most often signed in less than 3 months, while for comparison, in the case of a simple mandate, the time between the signing of the mandate and the sale is approximately double, 6 months.

The real advantage of the exclusive mandate lies in a high and assured involvement on the part of the real estate agent. The latter doing his utmost to complete the transaction as quickly as possible and at the most attractive price, allowing him to receive, in passing, his commission. The second advantage, remaining not negligible, consists in the valuation of your property by its rarity on the market.

The signature of the exclusive mandate to a single agency gives an impression of loss of control and total freedom over the sale of the property. Agencies can be criticized for relying on their achievements once the exclusive mandate is signed, instead of rushing to find a buyer. This makes it possible to realize the mistake of having bet on the wrong structure, the real estate agency being less efficient than expected ... As the minimum duration of the exclusive mandate is three months, it would be impossible for you to use another agency or sell to a buyer on your own.
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