Withdrawal period after a signed sales agreement

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Withdrawal period after a signed sales agreement

Sale: Withdrawal period after a signed sales agreement

The role of the sales agreement is to engage the buyer and the seller in order to conclude the transaction, in normal times, the buyer can however withdraw under certain conditions such as with the withdrawal period or the conditions precedent ...

Once the signing of the sales agreement has been completed, it is legally possible for the purchaser of the property to be able to withdraw from his commitment for 10 days, without any necessary justification or attributable compensation.

During the 10 days following the signing of the sales agreement

When the withdrawal period of 10 days has come to an end, it remains possible for the buyer to cancel the transaction using the conditions precedent stipulated in the sales agreement. In the event that the buyer uses a mortgage to finance his investment, the condition precedent of obtaining credit, since 1979 must be included in the sales agreement, will allow to terminate his purchase while recovering the security deposit if the bank does not allow him to borrow the sum.

Apart from the condition precedent for granting the loan, other conditions precedent may be inserted in the clauses. Like the buyer's old home that can allow to withdraw in case the sale of the latter is not done.

The sales agreement can also potentially be signed under the condition that one or more local authorities do not have a right of pre-emption on the plot in question, offering them priority in the acquisition of the property.
The finding of hidden defects or the existence of defects of consent can also make it possible to cancel a sales agreement.

The steps to follow to retract

When the buyer decides to waive his rights on the purchase of real estate during the withdrawal period, he must send a recommended letter with acknowledgment of receipt. In order to verify whether the legal deadline is respected, the date of dispatch of the registered letter will be retained to note the non-expiry of 10 days.
In the event that the purchaser wishes to exploit a suspensive condition in order to cancel the transaction after the legal period of 10 days, he will have to justify himself. If the credit agreement could not be completed, it is necessary to provide proof of the refusal of the banking institution by a certificate of refusal of loan to cancel the transaction.
However, whatever the situation among these two possible, the buyer will always be returned the sums paid in full without charge of any kind or penalty. On the other hand, the sales agreement frequently includes a penalty clause providing for the termination of the sale and the compensation of the latter in the absence of a valid reason.

Ce qu’il faut retenir :
  • The role of the sales agreement is to engage the buyer and the seller in order to conclude the transaction.

  • Once the signing of the sales agreement has been completed, it is legally possible for the purchaser of the property to be able to withdraw from his commitment for 10 days, without any necessary justification or attributable compensation.

  • The sales agreement can also potentially be signed under the condition that one or more local authorities do not have a right of pre-emption on the plot in question, offering them priority in the acquisition of the property.

  • The finding of hidden defects or the existence of defects of consent can also make it possible to cancel a sales agreement.

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