What are the types of leases for furnished rentals in Paris?
When you rent a luxury apartment in Paris, you need to know what kind of lease you're signing. Yes, there's more than one out there.
There are actually four: the primary residency lease, the mobility lease, the secondary residency lease, the code civil lease, and the holiday lease. The French capital knows that many of its residents, whether citizens or expats have all sorts of different situations in terms of their residencies. It's important that you get the right kind of lease for your specific situation. Get to know what they are.
Primary Residence Lease
The first kind of lease is, of course, the primary residence lease. This is when you intend to use the furnished apartment as your main address when you relocate to Paris. As the principal residence, you're expected to stay here for no less than eight months a year. Notably, they offer two kinds of primary residence leases in France. The first one is the standard, which lasts for one year, and the second is for students, which lasts for around nine months. As for the contract, it ought to renew automatically at the end of each term. Only when you, the tenant, chose to break the lease or the landlord finds a good reason to terminate it that it will end legally.
Mobility Lease
Known in French as Bail Mobilité, the mobility lease is for those who are temporarily living in Paris. These are mostly foreign exchange students, business travelers, interns, and the like. Introduced by the French government as part of their ELAN plan, law the Bail Mobilité allows for more flexible terms in the lease. Instead of lasting for a year like the standard Primary Residence Lease, the duration of this lease lasts between one to ten months. You don't even have to pay a deposit to the landlord upon signing. And when you need to break the lease, you only have to send your notice one month prior.
Civil Code lease
A Civil Code lease is a lease for a staff dwelling and a secondary residence of the tenant. This is less regulated than the lease of principal residence.
This type of lease is very often used on properties considered "atypical" with for example a beautiful view, a large balcony, a large area, etc.
It is used in particular when the use of the premises does not correspond to their intended purpose. This is the case when a residential building is used for professional reasons (company housing).
Indeed, the Civil Code lease corresponds to people who wish to rent a second home, a pied-à-terre, but it can also correspond to companies who wish to rent for one of its employees, or for corporate use as part of a company housing.
Embassies are often interested in this lease.
Thus, this lease is subject to the general rules of rental of the Civil Code. The duration, the terms of leave, the rent... are completely free.
Secondary Residence Lease
For those who aren't eligible for Bail Mobilité, there's always the Secondary Residence Lease. Although it's more flexible than the Primary Residence Lease, it's still a bit stricter than the Mobility Lease. For one thing, the minimum duration of this lease is three months. You can extend beyond that if you need to. But if you have to break the lease, you need to send a month's notice after the initial three months are up. Also, this lease requires a security deposit amounting to either half a month or two months' worth of rent. It can take quite a toll on your living costs in Paris.
Holiday Lease
This is mostly for short-term rentals or Airbnb-type rentals, specifically for those visiting Paris on vacation or on short business trips. This type of lease has become more in demand with the rise of platforms like Airbnb, Booking.com, and the like. The duration can never exceed 120 days (approximately four months) and is not renewable. Moreover, since the contract for this is set date-to-date, there's a chance that you can extend the lease if needed as long as it doesn't go beyond 90 days after the original end date.

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Posted on 07/12/2022 by